Saturday, July 9, 2011

The System

Welcome to the 3-5-6-6 Book Rating System!!

Even though I am most definitely not an Emerson fan (I mean, come on…all that elevated language about nature as the oversoul and the overriding importance of individualism…enough said), I am however going to start my blog with a few tidbits from the Emersonian school of thought. Emerson, in his essay, the American Scholar seeks to communicate what is best in literature (American literature more specifically). He laments that each individual in present day society has become fragmented; each human being is now defined solely by their function: for example, a Teacher is seen as a teacher, nothing more, a Farmer as merely a farmer, etc. In the American Scholar, Emerson calls for every American to be actively thinking; thinking is not just a specialty that should be reserved for those who function as Academics. Americans should no longer content themselves with imitating and parroting the thoughts of others, rather each person should think independently and seek to expand as an individual. In the words of Emerson (confusing as they may be…), he also mentions that books are meant to inspire this active thought.

Although I do not usually agree with Emerson, I have to admit that he is really onto something BIG with all his talk about “active thought”. In an effort to actively (haha…get the pun?) engage my mind (and hopefully inspire others to do the same), I have devised a book reviewing system (thus, not only am I using my brain, BUT I’m also incorporating books!!...Emerson would be so proud). My methodology allows readers to rate books on a twenty point scale. There are 4 Categories: Theme, Characters, Plot and Style. Each of these Categories is divided into subsections. If a book meets all of the points in the Theme subsection, it receives a total of 3 points; if a book meets all of the points in the Characters subsection, it receives a total of 5 points; if a book meets all of the points in the Plot or Style subsection, it will receive 6 points respectively. A book will only receive points based on how many subsection points it meets. For a book to receive the highest number of points (20), it MUST adhere to ALL points awarded in each of the 4 Categories. Below, I have listed the Categories and also the subsection criteria for the rating system (to hopefully make it a bit easier to understand):

Category 1: Theme
A. Consistent and clear theme(s)
B. Fully developed and explored theme(s)
                -Tie into plot and character development
C. Thought invoking theme(s)

                Total Points Able to Receive: 3

Category 2: Characters
A. Characters are unique
B. Characters are animated and relatable (3 dimensional)
C. Characters possess human characteristics and depth
D. Character learns something about self or world; Experiences a moment of clarity/ revelation
E. Characters seek to enhance plot and themes

                Total Points Able to Receive: 5

Category 3: Plot
A. Beginning, middle and end (although not necessarily in that order)
                -Organized structure (interrelation of all parts of a story to make a whole; completeness)
B. Cohesive, thoughtful design to story telling
C. Meaningful, significant purpose (what aim to reveal, criticize, or showcase)
                -Clarity, thoughtfulness and relevance of detail to enhance purpose
D. Presence of a struggle /conflict/ trial/ adversity
E. Interesting/ attention holding
F. Satisfying Conclusion
                -Brings together Plot, Theme, Character in a succinct and satisfactory manner
Total Points Able to Receive: 6

Category 4: Style
A. Writing style is accessible to readers (not elevated language)
B. Style accurately communicates themes and enhances character representations
C. Contains consistency in expression, execution and design of ideas
D. Illuminates rather than obscures basic human truths
E. Effectively helps to create a complete reality
F. Effectively communicates human emotion with unique and powerful language

Total Points Able to Receive: 6

At the end of each book rating, I will also include a separate section called: Caitlin’s Overall Opinion of the BOOK. With this last piece of information, I hope to add an element of finality to the system, and give a bit more of my opinion (so that at the end of reading my review, you will know once and for all where I stand!!).

That’s it for now. Blog ya later!!

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